Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQs)


Does the Wilkens company still exist in Bremen?

The Wilkens company in Bremen is being dissolved - the Wilkens brand has moved to the historic gold and silver town of Schwäbisch Gmünd and can therefore currently be reached at this address:

Gebr. Kühn GmbH & Co KG, Forststraße 14, 73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd.

What conditions do I have now?

Please contact us by phone or e-mail regarding your partner conditions.

Where are Wilkens products manufactured?

The production of Wilkens goods is integrated into the production in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Gebr. Kühn GmbH & Co. KG will continue to work with their network of appreciated suppliers in the future.

When will goods that are not in stock be delivered?

The delivery time for items not in stock varies depending on the product. Some original Wilkens items are no longer produced and are only available while stocks last. In urgent cases, please contact us directly at info@wilkens-silber.de.

Can I sell family silverware or inherited cutlery here?

The sale of your silver is a personalised matter. We offer comprehensive advice on refurbishment and repair. If you are interested in refurbishment or repair, please contact us at info@wilkens-silber.de.

Who is my Wilkens sales representative now?

The sales representative responsible for you can be contacted as usual and we will be happy to provide you with their contact details. Simply send your enquiry to: info@wilkens-silber.de

Which dishwashing detergent should I use for silver and silver-plated cutlery?

For the care of silver and silver-plated cutlery, we recommend the silver care foam from Sonja Quandt Silbermanufaktur, available here. For dishwasher-safe items and cutlery, we recommend dishwasher powder instead of tabs, as a lower dosage is sufficient. Less is more to preserve the lustre.
